
Factor Investing

Bring clarity to portfolio management

Would you enjoy helping investors understand the risks and returns that drive their portfolios?

Using a passion for data, an innovative spirit and a drive to always go further for our clients, factor investing enables investors to better understand the characteristics that drive portfolios’ risk and performance. As part of MSCI’s Factor team, you’ll take a deeper look into the drivers of investment outcomes, and help clients make better informed decisions in today’s changing markets. It’s fascinating work for curious people.

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Deliver ambitious projects

Innovation comes not only from imagination, but action. In 2018, we created the Factor Classification Standard (FaCS), a shared framework for evaluating, implementing, and reporting factors in equity portfolios, and today our work is even more ambitious. In 2022 we launched our next-generation equity factor models featuring new crowding, machine-learning and sustainability factors alongside risk forecasting tools that can respond rapidly to market volatility. Join us, and it could be your ideas and passion that drive our next leap forward.

Celebrate shared success

Your learning and development will be supported by experienced colleagues with deep academic knowledge, while you work in a cross-functional, collaborative team. Our Product, Research, Product Marketing, Public Relations, Finance and Sales teams work together to achieve a common goal. This means celebrating one another’s achievements and moving forward as one team. 

Grow with your team

MSCI’s Factors team provides intellectually stimulating, challenging work. You’ll be empowered to take risks and challenge assumptions, and you’ll be supported to explore, learn, and excel beyond your own expectations. The team continues an exciting journey, and you’ll be guided through a steep learning curve, sharing in the team’s development. 

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Our people

Want to hear more about what it’s like to be part of the team? Explore the stories below to get to know our bright, curious, and passionate people. 

Quote from Alejandro Parra, Senior Associate, Equity Factors Product Manager

This work is meaningful, rigorous and intellectual, which can sound intimidating for someone new. But the team is great and very approachable. They really encourage you to learn and take responsibility, and they want you to grow, both professionally and personally. You not only get to learn more about the product, but also about what's going on in the market.

Alejandro Parra, Senior Associate, Equity Factors Product Manager

Featured content

Intuition of Factor Investing is part of your daily life.png

Intuition of Factor Investing is part of your daily life

Learn about the four common factors and the scenarios where you likely experience their principles in your own life.

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Are Factors a Thing of the Past?

Actually, our data shows Factors matter now as much as ever

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Are Factors Only for Quants?

Explore why Factors are the domain of every investor

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Are Factors Too Complicated

The intuition of factor investing is part of your daily life. See how.

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